
In Memoriam: Cary Benson, VA7MXY

With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Cary Benson,


The first annual NORAC Spring Radio Camp was a resounding success! A huge thanks to CJ (VA7MXY) for


The Wires-X system attached to the UHF repeater on EGO quit working (was only generating digital noise


With the successful completion of the spring NORAC Basic qualification course, it is my honour to


Check out the RAC website for more info about this project.  A neat opportunity to get involved


"In order to support our continued growth, both in scale and global coverage, we are in the


February 3, 2023 - Vernon, BC, Canada

Another Vernon Winter Carnival Parade went off without a

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel the in-person aspect of today's club meeting.
We will

After several months of long hours in the second half of 2023, I am proud to announce that NORAC now


I've had a few requests to publish the poem I recited at the Christmas Dinner announcing the new


NORAC followed our traditional process for the club's Ham of the Year award again this year. 


December 9, 2023, Big White ski resort surrounding area

NORAC members Mike VE7KPZ and Jane VE7WWJ


We are sad to announce that a long time NORAC member Doug (Robert) Reid VE7TVT passed away in the


This article about the Vancouver Island repeater truck system is well worth reading:


Check it out:


The Cowichan, the Fraser and the Kicking Horse have been long recognized as Canadian Heritage


The Tailgate Okanagan Ham Radio Party on October 22, 2023 was a success.

It was wonderful to meet many


When working with on replacing the old Daniels repeater with the new state of the art Kenwood NXR


October 26, 2023 - Central Okanagan, British Columbia Canada

Austin VE7QH let Mike VE7KPZ know


We have received word from the Kelowna amateur radio club, OCARC,, that the Little White


October 21-22, 2023 - Joe Rich area of Kelowna, British Columbia

NORAC club members Howard VA7PWF


Thompson-Nicola region of beautiful British Columbia, Canada - October 2023

Mike VE7KPZ and YL
