Community Service Report – Falkland Rodeo Parade


19 May 2024: NORAC volunteers again provided radio support and marshalling assistance for the Sunday parade at the Falkland Rodeo. The event was well organized by the rodeo organizers and the parade went off without a hitch. The number of parade entries was less than usual, possibly due to weather. Nevertheless, the many parade spectators lined the street as usual. NORAC volunteers got everything from rain to brilliant sunshine during the event.

NORAC participants were:

Bud Kuzenko VE7KBK

Paul Elmont VE7PDE (& his dad, David)

Lorne Klassen VE7LWK (& YL Janet)

Jake Wendland VE7WEA (& YL Caitlin)

Colin Parkes VA7EEH

Felix Volta VA7VOL

Richard Reeves VE7NT

Ritchie Leslie VA7RLX (& YL Rose)

Mike Dennison VA7XDM


NORAC volunteers were “on duty” from 1030am until noon for a total of 17.5 community service hours from NORAC members and 10 hrs from guests of members. Thanks to Sabrina Ujma for rodeo tickets for our members, to all from NORAC who volunteered and to Mike VA7XDM for chairing the NORAC parade committee and liaising with the rodeo organizers.


Ritchie VA7RLX