There is a lot of amateur radio inspiration to be found on YouTube and other online video streaming providers. Here are a few of our club members' favourite channels:

Bob VE7EZI likes Diana Eng KC2UHB for her great information sharing and practical examples in regards to Yagi antenna theory and portable operation.

Bob VE7EZI likes Peter Parker VK3YE for his experimentation and spirit.

Mike VE7KPZ likes Julian OH8STN for his technical examples and work in extreme conditions.

Mike VE7KPZ likes Mike K8MRD for his great POTA operation.

Mike VE7KPZ likes Yaesu USA Official for John N9UPC's great webinars on Yaesu products (as our club members seem to lean towards using Yaesu gear and the club runs 2 x DR-2X repeaters along with a WIRES-X node).

Mike VE7KPZ likes Tony K9ARV for his sprited and inspirational videos on QRP operation. If you saw any of his videos, consider yourself lucky as his channel has now been shut down with his switch to focus on family.

Mike VE7KPZ likes Callum M0MCX for his technical examples.

Mike VE7KPZ likes Stuart KB1HQS for his mass of SOTA, POTA, NPOTA, etc. activations.

Mike VE7KPZ likes James M0JCQ for his SOTA work and educational examples for getting on the air portable.

Doug VE7VZ likes TX Factor (from UK).
Doug VE7VZ likes Ham Nation (from US).
Doug VE7VZ likes K7AGE (Randy from Oregon).
Check out club member David VA7SZ's channel as well.
If you have a favourite channel, please update this News posting or email and we can update the list with your contribution.