Repost of a press release from our national amateur radio club, Radio Amateurs of Canada:
ISED Gives Advance Notice of Update of Basic Amateur Radio Exam Questions

For immediate release – July 6, 2024

Dave Goodwin, VE3KG
Dave Goodwin, VE3KG

On July 5, 2024, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) posted the following announcement on its website:

“Working with the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) plans to update the Basic Amateur Exam questions and answers in early 2025. An advance copy, in PDF format, will be posted in the coming months on our Downloads page so that instructors and examiners can update their material before the transition. After this update, ISED will perform a similar review of the Advanced Amateur Exam, with new exams expected after 2025.”

As indicated in the announcement, this is the result of a RAC initiative – which was presented to ISED in 2022 – and over a year of hard work by the members of RAC’s Examination Standards Committee (ESC). The final details of the update to the Basic Amateur Exam are being worked out now. ISED must put the completed draft of the Basic Question Bank through some internal processes before it can be published. 

ISED will publish the new Basic Question Bank on its website several months before it is implemented to allow instructors, authors and candidates the opportunity to adjust to the changes. The existing Basic Question Bank will be used until the new bank is implemented sometime in 2025. 

RAC’s Examination Standards Committee is now working on recommendations for updates to the Advanced question bank. 

You can see ISED’s announcement at these links:

Dave Goodwin VE3KG
Regulatory Affairs Officer
Radio Amateurs of Canada
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