The BIG List is back for another Field Day

This will be the official BIG list of everything related to the NORAC Field Day 2015.Special Thanks to Ralph Olds (VA7NU) for hosting again at his homestead in Armstong.

Rather than create multiple emails, news posts, calendar items, etc. This will hopefully be the MAIN source of reliable info that you can come to over and over and see the updates.

The NORAC Executive will keep this article going, add, revise, and manage the information.

Last year I volunteered as the Field Day Coordinator and this year we didn't get a volunteer, so it will hopefully be a team effort.


Dates & Schedule

  • NORAC Club Meeting & Final Field Day Planning Meeting, Thursday June 18th. The People Place, downstairs, starting at 7:30pm.

  • Setup Friday June 26th. Starting after 5:00pm (0:00 UTC)

  • Field Day Event - Saturday June 27th - Sunday June 29th

  • Pot Luck Supper - Starting at 4pm on Saturday June 28th 

  • Teardown Sunday June 28th after noon.


Contact Information

  • Email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • I monitor VE7RSS as often as I can, try calling me there.

  • My home number is (250) 547-9672 (with voicemail)

  • My personal cell is (250) 308-1543 (phone, text, voicemail)


Tasks (Volunteers Required!)

  • Cranky - Insurance - Grace VE7IGB
  • Cranky - Transport - Already onsite from last year
  • Cranky - Setup and Teardown - VA7AEJ, VE7VZ, VA7SZ, VE7MH, VE7EZI, VE7WTE, VA7BES
  • Generator Fuel - Bob VE7EZI
  • Station #1 - Club Yaesu FT990 - Rob VA7RMM
  • Logging - Aaren VA7AEJ
  • Contest Points Submission - Bob VE7EZI
  • Shelter - The People Place large tent - Aaren VA7AEJ - Bug Screen Tent - Bob VE7EZI
  • Station Supplies - Tables, chairs, and plywood for solid flooring. Headphones, clipboards and pen's, etc. - Bob VE7EZI & REG VA7BES
  • Extra Points - REG - VA7BES, media coverage
  • Official Photographer – Tracey VE7XNY & David VA7SZ
  • Additional (Backup) Generator - Watty VE7WTE
  • Addiitonal Radio Gear (Backup) - Aaren VA7AEJ



  • Our host is Ralph VA7NU

  • Location #3789 Murray Drive, Armstrong BC.

  • RV's and camping is welcome, please contact Aaren for info on the site.



  • 24 Hour ARRL Field Day Contest

  • BBQ & Beer - Friday evening for setup crew.

  • Club BYOE (Bring your own everything) Dinner & Social - Saturday evening for the entire club, family and guests. BBQ provided.

  • Camp fire, music, anyone play any suitable instruments, anyone wanna provide recorded music via boombox or otherwise?

  • Radio Projects? Anyone have any ideas... Ralph is offering an Intro to Morse Code for anyone interested.


Saturday Social & Supper

It is hoped that this event will be seen as an opportunity for a pleasant summer get-together for Hams (the winter get-together being the Christmas gathering)

  • Volunteer Organizer -

  • Scheduled start time is approx 4:00pm on the Saturday

  • Bring your own food.

  • Bring your own drinks/beverages

  • Bring your own seating

  • Ralph has a BBQ on his deck, as well those with RV's in attendance might also have additional grills.

  • Condiments:


Contest Schedule

Pick a couple timeslots and contact Aaren to sign-up.

Work in pairs for some company and help with the logging.

Contest rules state no equipment setup should begin before 0:00 UTC  (Friday 5pm PST)

  1. 11am - 12noon (1800 UTC)

  2. 12noon - 1pm -

  3. 1pm - 2pm

  4. 2pm - 3pm

  5. 3pm - 4pm

  6. 4pm - 5pm

  7. 5pm - 6pm

  8. 6pm - 7pm

  9. 7pm - 8pm

  10. 8pm - 9pm

  11. 9pm - 10pm

  12. 10pm - 11pm

  13. 11pm - 12midnight

  14. 12midnight - 1am

  15. 1am - 2am

  16. 2am - 3am

  17. 3am - 4am

  18. 4am - 5am

  19. 5am - 6am

  20. 6am - 7am

  21. 7am - 8am

  22. 8am - 9am-

  23. 9am - 10am-

  24. 10am - 11am

  25. 11am - 12noon

  26. 12noon - 1pm

  27. 1pm - 2pm (2100 UTC End)