Good morning this is VA7AEJ an Official Bulletin Station for the Radio Amateurs of Canada with bulletins for the 2nd week of May 2013

RAC Bulletin 2013-017E - Radio Amateur of the Year for 2012


Bulletin 2013-018E - Grow, Thrive and Influence: The future of RAC and Amateur Radio


In local announcements… NORAC members are encouraged to volunteer their time today at the O’Keefe Ranch Mothers Days and Season Opening event. NORAC is onsite at the event promoting Amateur Radio and our upcoming Field Days Event in June. Club members will be onsite and all you need to do is drive out there and volunteer to help in marshaling parking and promoting amateur radio. I’m sure your fully charged VHF hand-held radio will be an essential piece of equipment for the day.


NORAC Executives want to thank those members and visitors who attended the Trailer Sale silent auction at the Hydro yard yesterday. The bids are now closed and will be opened and reviewed by the club executives at this week’s meeting on Thursday night. Successful bidders will be notified by telephone. We will do our best to coordinate pickup times with the bidders at the Hydro Yard after the bids have been reviewed and approved.


Mel and Carol Stratton are still looking for Volunteers for next weekends Falkland Stampede Parade. NORAC members provide marshaling for the Parade on Sunday May 19th. Contact VE7STR or VE7SHS for more information.


NORAC Field Day is confirmed for O’Keefe Ranch on June 22, 23. The next two NORAC monthly meetings will focus 100% on Field Day so we strongly encourage everyone to participate in any way possible and do your best to communicate within the club over the next 5 weeks. This week’s meeting is at the Vernon Flying Club building, Thursday night, starting at 7:30pm.


And finally Samantha Vincent (Sam) VE7SDV has resigned from the NORAC Executive due to her upcoming move to California and change of jobs. We all want to thank her for her participation in NORAC over the last few years. We are losing a great Ham and will miss her presence & enthusiasm.

This concludes my bulletins and announcements.

Thanks very much for the time and back to the Net.

Aaren Jensen (VA7AEJ)

Lumby BC Canada