On a chilly January day, a number of keen hams huddled together at the Kin Beach shelter in Vernon to work the 2025 Winter Field Day event. With tarps covering up the open spaces in the shelter and a couple of propane heaters, we managed to keep the chill off, sort of. Thanks to Paul and Michal who brought heaters. Although the bands were not on fire, we managed 224 phone contacts using the 10, 15 and 20m bands.
Lunch consisted of BBQed burgers and Tina's (Howard's wife) homemade chili.
Equipment: Two Yaesu FT-891s and a Kenwood TS-440SAT. The antenna used was Wilf's Cushcraft R5 - 5 band vertical. To operate three radios with one antenna, we utilized our club's VA6AM triplexer and three band pass filters, which worked very well. Three computers were used linked together with N3FJP logging software.
A big thanks for those who ventured out to show their support!
123 Wilf VE7OHM & Alex VE7NOC
26 Howard VA7PWF
26 Felix VA7VOL (1st time contesting)
18 Alex VE7NOC (Solo)
16 Warren VA7WPX (1st time in a long time)
15 Colin VA7EEH
TOTAL: 224 Total Phone Contacts
Photos courtesy David Skelhon VA7SZ/VA7SKN. And a big thank you from the club to the event organizers Howard VA7PWF, Colin VA7EEH and Wilf VE7OHM.
Ps: right-click on each image and choose "open image in new tab" to see a higher resolution rendering.