Attention NORAC Members, this is an official announcement of the upcoming NORAC AGM

Thursday, October 21th will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to finalize the prior year of activity, the financial report, and to elect the new Executive for 2022.

We're always looking for volunteers or nominations for new members or our Executive. We're a small and casual group so these are not stressful commitments that require a ton of your time. Your participation is very much appreciated by the club at large.

Strong turnout for this online meeting is required please.

Time - Oct 21th 2021 - starting at 7:30 PM PST 

Location - Online via Skype (share your Skype ID with a member of the Executive to join the meeting).

From the NORAC Constitution and Bylaws (revised in 2018)

3.1 Notice of Meeting of Members
All meetings of the Society whether Annual General Meetings, Special General Meetings or
Directors Meetings may be convened by order of the Board for any time and at any place
deemed appropriate and the general nature of the business to be transacted at such meetings
shall be communicated in any manner permitted by these By-laws to each member entitled to
such notice at least fourteen (14) days in advance of such meetings.

Notice of an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall be given to all
members shown on record on the day notice is given and shall specify the place, the day and
the hour of the meeting, and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business.

Such Notice of Meeting shall be given by the following means:
a) by mail, courier or personal delivery, during the period prescribed by the regulations to
the Act; or
b) by telephonic, electronic or other communication facility, during the period prescribed
by the regulations to the Act.

Notice of any meeting where special business will be transacted shall state the nature of that
business in sufficient detail to permit a member to form a reasoned judgment on the business
and state the text of any special resolution to be submitted to the meeting.Constitution and By-laws as of July 23, 2018 Page 6 of 12

3.2 Quorum
A quorum at any meeting of the members shall be six (6) members present and entitled to vote
at the meeting. If a quorum is present at the opening of a meeting of members, the members
present may proceed with the business of the meeting even if a quorum is not present
throughout the meeting.
If a quorum is not present at the opening of a meeting of members, the members cannot vote
on resolutions, and the meeting will be adjourned or become an information meeting.

3.3 Voting
At any meeting of members every question shall, unless otherwise provided by the By-laws or
the Act, be determined by an ordinary resolution. Each member in good standing, and who is
entitled to vote, may cast a single vote. In case of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting,
in addition to an original vote, shall have a second or deciding vote.

3.4 Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the Society, but in any event shall not conflict with the Bylaws or the provisions of the Act.

3.5 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the month of October in each
year at a place within the Province of British Columbia and on a date to be fixed by the Board.

The following business must be transacted:
1) Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
2) Presentation of the Society’s annual financial statement|
3) Auditors report, if any
4) Reports from the Directors
5) Election of Directors
6) The appointment of the auditor, if required, and
7) Such other business as, under these By-laws, ought to be transacted
at an annual general meeting, or business which is brought under
consideration by the report of the directors issued with the notice
convening the meeting.Constitution and By-laws as of July 23, 2018 Page 7 of 12

3.6 Election of Directors
Immediately upon completion of receiving the reports of the Annual General
Meeting, the meeting shall be handed over to the chairman of the nominating
committee who shall preside over the elections for the incoming Board. Voting
for Directors may be by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by any
member. Procedures for elections shall be as stated in the Policies and
Procedures Manual.

73 and Stay Safe
Aaren Jensen VA7AEJ ...-  .-  --...  .-  .  .---