Confirmed Amateur Radio Ops, 7-10 Volunteers Required (last update 5/17/2019)
- VE7WBM (Brad) with 2 kids in tow
- VE7RLE (Ron)
- VA7AZZ (Nicolas)
- VE7EZI (Bob)
- VA7CAV (Linda)
- VE7KBK (Bud)
- VE7WEA (Jake)
- VA7CPS (Doug)
- VEZTRZ (Terry)
- VE7MHE (Mike) tentative
Attention NORAC Members (Official Club Event)
Locally we have only two main service events each year for NORAC members. Both jobs are marshaling parades. The Vernon Carnival Parade and the Falkland Stampede Parade.
The Falkland Stampede Parade is coming up on Sunday May 19th during the May long weekend. Organizers of the parade have confirmed that they need us and we're now in the phase where volunteers are needed.
Anyone interested in volunteering please contact me.
Aaren Jensen (VA7AEJ)
Email - president@norac.bc.ca.
Home - +1-250-547-9672
Cell - +1-778-212-0790
I'm looking for 7-10 volunteers for a few hours work with their radios. We'll be operating simplex as we're all within a few blocks of one another. This is a great event for families.
Bring a fully charged handheld programmed for the VHF calling frequency of 146.520 simplex. Be a good ham and bring a backup battery pack or second radio just in case.
You should arrive in Falkland Sunday morning between 10:30 and 11:00, 11 at the latest please.
Park at the home of Mel & Carol Stratton - 2909 Chase Falkland Rd. This is also the location of the camping, social and BBQ later in the afternoon after the parade. Remember to bring a lawn chair, some cold drinks, and something to BBQ.
Bob VE7EZI & Linda VA7CAV are probably the key onsite people with past experience of this event, I'm going to assume either are your best Elmer to ask questions especially if you've never done this event before.
Bob is bringing the NORAC blue safety vests, make sure you find your correct size and have a vest on before starting work.
At 11:00 you'll walk over to the Community Hall as a group and meet with Sabrina the Parade Organizer, she's your boss for the next 3 hours or so. She'll have maps and handouts, one person on the NORAC team will be assigned to shadow her and relay messages to everyone else as needed.
The parade staging area is behind the Community Hall in an area of about 4 small village residential blocks.
Floats have been told to start queuing up in their spaces starting at 11:30. You need to be on your street before they start to arrive.
As parade marshals you'll be assigned a street or section of street
You make sure the floats are in their correct marked location.
You keep non-parade vehicles from parking in your float spaces,
When the parade starts you guide your group into the parade line-up in order.
If you have questions you ask others over the radio or relay a message to Sabrina for the executive decision.
With just 8 volunteers everyone is likely working alone but within short visual distance of another NORAC member.
The parade starts at 1:00pm
Sabrina may have some quick clean-up after your section of floats rolls out, like collecting the parking markers off the street.