From the RAC website. For full details visit
In addition to being RAC’s Regulatory Affairs Officer, Dave Goodwin, VE3KG, is an avid contester, former Sports Page columnist, and is also the Chair of the RAC Contest and Awards Committee. He has provided a report below on changes to the Commonwealth Contest in 2025.
Dave Goodwin, VE3KG –
The Commonwealth Contest (CC) is the oldest DX contest in Amateur Radio. Since 1931, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has been the organizer and adjudicator of this annual 24-hour event. The contest includes Amateurs in all 56 countries and the numerous territories that make up the Commonwealth of Nations.
The Commonwealth Contest runs on the second full weekend of March each year from 1000 UTC Saturday through 0959 UTC Sunday. It is 24 hours long, CW only, on the 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands. In 2025, the contest runs on the weekend of March 8 and 9.
In 2024, the RSGB invited RAC and other national Amateur Radio organizations across the Commonwealth to share ownership in the contest to help better promote and encourage activity. Radio Amateurs of Canada, the New Zealand Amateur Radio Transmitters (NZART) and the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) agreed quickly. Other national societies may join us. The RSGB will continue their excellent adjudication of the contest. We have formed a small committee to work out the next steps. I am RAC’s representative so please contact me with any suggestions.
From 1931 until 1973, the contest was named British Empire Radio Union (BERU). In 1974, the name changed officially to the Commonwealth Contest, but many participants including me continue to call “CQ BERU” to work other participants. We are hoping that starting now all participants will call “CQ CC” to solicit QSOs.
visit the RAC website link above for the full article.....